Monday, December 12, 2005

More on PA and Indiana

Moi ;)
had asked about the Indiana insurance and mentioned about what PA offers.

Here's more on the Indiana mandate

Here's what I know about PA, I'm paraphrasing from an email that I received from a mom who moved from Oregon to PA for services:

- each qualifying ASD child (and other children with disabilities) get a Medicaid card no matter the parents income

- this card gets services at no cost to the parent- in home ABA, a BSC (similar to a consultant or BCBA from what I gathered from the email, I could be wrong), coverage for OTs, PTs and SLPs, zero copay on medical and Rx coverage which includes dental care, WIC, family support services money for other therapies not specifically covered under the above.

- families can get reimbursement on miles to and from the appointments

- school special ed system is very good and follows an ABA model, especially good for younger children

Like I said that's paraphrasing an email I got, another parent's opinion on the services in PA. Since I'm in Oregon I haven't a clue, but it certainly sounds better than what we have. As it is, I have to fight my son's insurance company even if I wanted to have him see an OT, PT or SLP.

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